Join the PlatinClub, our exclusive loyalty program for Platincasino players. There are benefits in store for you from your very first deposit, and they only get better with every higher status reached. You can benefit from extended support, special promotions, and amazing offers and treats. Already signed up? Take a look at your current PlatinClub status and unlock further benefits right here in our Club portal!




How to get the status:

Make your first deposit with Platincasino

How to get the status:

Make your first deposit with Platincasino and you are going to reach the lifelong status Bronze. Welcome to the PlatinClub!

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How to get the status:

Deposit another time with us

How to get the status:

Deposit at least twice with us and your PlatinClub status will be Silver. You will retain the status for as long as you stay with us.

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How to get the status:

Reach a total of €1,350 in deposits

How to get the status:
  • You will reach the lifetime Gold status from a total of €1,350 in deposits
  • The status is available from your first deposit, in case its amount already reaches the total deposit sum.
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How to get the status:

Verified accounts only - Deposit €1,000 per month

How to get the status:

The Platinum status will be granted on the day after reaching the deposit amount of min. €1,000 in the recent month and is granted until the end of the month. Platin status cannot be reached in the month of the first ever deposit and is only available in case your account is verified. To keep the status, the amount must be confirmed again in every month. Amount will be calculated based on the UTC time zone.

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Welcome Gift
5 Freespins
- Book of the Fallen
10 Freespins
- Book of the Fallen
€5 free bonus money (x25)
+ 20 Freespins - Book of the Fallen
€25 free bonus
money (x15)
Automated Gifts
20 Freegames/active week10% Weekly Cashback
Anniversary Promotions
No Deposit Bonus wager
Preferred Withdrawal
Concierge Service

Conditions PlatinClub – General

PlatinClub is the Platincasino loyalty program, that offers you various player benefits. The more you play and deposit at Platincasino, the higher your VIP status and the wider your personal benefits and offers.

  • Platincasino displays the requirements and conditions for each status on the PlatinClub website. You can reach the status Bronze, Silver and Gold (lifetime), as well as Platinum automatically and independently by your player behaviour and activity. You can check your recent status in your player account anytime. The allocation of a new status happens automatically within the technical system on the day you are reaching or passing the hurdle for the next status.
  • The Welcome Gift for reaching a new PlatinClub status will be granted for each first time you reach a status and is valid once per player or PlatinClub member.
  • The calculation of your status and benefits will be based upon the amounts of deposit, the date range and real money stakes, as well as your account- and verification status (KYC).
  • You can qualify for status Platinum by reaching the monthly minimum deposit amount. The qualification will be valid until the next month. In case you lose your Platin status, you will be downgraded to status Gold on the 1st day of the new month. You can be upgraded back to Platinum daily.
  • To progress to the Black status, you will need a personal invitation by a Platincasino team member. The selection of the Black members will be exclusively performed by Platincasino. Only in case you receive and invitation, the Black status will be granted. The status will appear in your account.
  • There is no entitlement to membership in the PlatinClub and/or Black status. All offers are non-binding and non-transferable. Legal recourse is excluded.
  • The PlatinClub incl. the PlatinClub statuses exists from its foundation until further notice. Platincasino reserves the right to interrupt or terminate the PlatinClub program with all related offers and content at any time, with players informed at least 7 days in advance.
  • Platincasino reserves the right to expand or otherwise change the content of the PlatinClub at any time, e.g. the requirements to achieve a certain status and the associated benefits. Information on this can be found on the PlatinClub website.
  • If you decide to close your Platincasino account or your account is closed by the Platincasino team, you will lose your PlatinClub status and all associated benefits. Your status will not be transferable even if you open a new account at Platincasino.
  • Platincasino reserves the right to terminate your PlatinClub membership at any time and withdraw your current PlatinClub status.
  • Unless otherwise stated, the PlatinClub and its content and benefits are governed by the terms and conditions or bonus conditions of Platincasino.
  • Platincasino will terminate your PlatinClub membership if we determine that you violate the PlatinClub conditions, other bonus terms and conditions, or the Platincasino terms and conditions and/or otherwise act against the interests of Platincasino. Such violation will result in the withdrawal of your PlatinClub status and all associated benefits. Platincasino also reserves the right to retroactively withdraw any bonuses already awarded and close your player account if necessary.
  • In addition, Platincasino may suspend your PlatinClub membership at any time, i.e. for a period of time or until further notice, if necessary to protect our interests. During this time, your PlatinClub status will be revoked and all benefits suspended.
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